07.10.2023       0

To My Friends  Abroad on the Essence of the War in Ukraine

M.V. Nazarov, “Russkaya Ideya” [“Russian Idea”]

“We sympathize with the Russian people, who are currently being demonized here in Europe.  But the people always have to the bear the consequences of the mistakes and sins of their rulers. There is a well-known saying that the people have those rulers whom they deserve, i.e. those whom they allow to rule them.  In the eyes of the majority of Europeans, Putin has committed aggression against Ukraine, and Russia as a whole bears the responsibility for what is happening.  And nothing can be done about this now...”

Назаров Михаил Викторович. 2012 г.

This is the kind of lament I received from one of my old Russian friends in Europe.  And I would like to reply to this specifically for people like him, since such an opinion is widespread in the West among “essentially friends of Russia” and even among some of the “fragments” of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad (including ROCA-MP [Moscow Patriarchate]).  To some his opinion may seem partially correct, but in this specific case of “Putin's aggression” it does not even “partially” correspond to reality.

Putin's culpability lies in something else – in his unwillingness to acknowledge and rectify the crimes of the Bolsheviks in regard to the Russian and other peoples of the Russian Empire, and from this stems his diametrically opposite culpability in regard to Ukraine: for many years he has condoned the current aggression against the Russian population of Ukraine, which began with the Ukro-American coup-d'etat in Kiev in 2014.  It was specifically in that year that this hot war began, and not in 2022, when Putin was forced to enter it for his own reasons, calling it a “special military operation,”  initially even with a demonstratively “humanitarian” and sparing character in regard to the enemy's infrastructure and administration.

First of all, Russia's Western friends should realize the essence of the lies of Western politicians and their mass media (World generator of lies and disinformation) about the historical causes of this war.  I am writing this article especially for my addressees abroad, who are using primarily Western sources of information; therefore, I am sending them this text and French and German as well, for dissemination among foreign acquaintances; (for our Russian readers all of this is naturally well-known already from materials on the website https://rusidea.org/.)

Background information on the history of Ukraine

Up to the 20th century, the state of “Ukraine” did not exist.  It was an indigenous part of the Russian people, with the same DNA, history, culture, and religion that originated with the state of Rus', which was formed in the 9th century and had its center first in Novgorod and then in Kiev (in chronicles the latter is called the “mother of Russian cities”). Taking a cue from the Greeks, by analogy with Little Greece and Great (expanded) Greece, it became customary to call the center of Russia around Kiev as Little Russia (Malorossiya) and the territory that  expanded to the north – Great Russia.

The invasion of the Asian Horde in the 13th century destroyed Kiev, while the Western Russian lands were occupied by the Poles; for this reason the capital was transferred to the north to the city of Vladimir, although the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky continued to hold the title of Great Prince of Kiev, and afterwards to Moscow, which was founded by Yuriy Dolgorukiy (who was also the Prince of Kiev when his turn came).  The reunification of Little Russia with Great Russia took place in the 17th century by the will of the people of Malorossiya, who, regarding themselves as Russians, revolted against the Poles.  Thus, the entire current Ukrainian state mythology about a “Ukrainian nation,” separate from the Russian “Asians,” is a foolish lie, behind which stands the “Father of lies” (Gospel of St. John 1:44).

There is no doubt that the primary cause of the current military conflict was the revolution of 1917, which in its two consecutive stages (February and October) destroyed the historical Orthodox Russia. This revolution was prepared and initiated by Russia's western “allies” from the Entente, for the purpose of preventing the imminent Russian victory in the First World War.  Its continuation became the so-called “civil war,” which was actually the occupation of Russia by the godless internationalist Bolsheviks, who were also supported by the military enemy Germany (with credits from the U.S.), and after the latter's defeat (in November 1918) – directly by those same former “allies,” who regarded the Bolsheviks as a more advantageous power for weakening the former Russia and allowing its resources to be plundered.  A special role in this was played by the United States (which has been documented in the book by the American Hoover Institute professor A. Sutton, “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution” (New Rochelle, N.Y., 1974).

Since the Bolshevik authorities always saw the Russian people as the bulwark of opposition, their main blow was aimed at this people, for which there is also a multitude of documentary evidence (in particular, in the book by the Harvard University professor Terry Martin, “The Empire of 'Positive Activity.'  Nation and Nationalism in the USSR, 1923-1939”).  The Russian people were broken up into three parts: the RSFSR, the Ukrainian SSR, and the Belarusian SSR; moreover, only part of the united Russian people continued to be called Russians – the Great Russians, with their capital in Moscow, while the ancient indigenous Russian lands, on which the Russian state emerged in the 9th century, were ordered to be regarded as separate nationalities.  That is, their geographical names “Ukraine” (which in Russian means “borderland”) and “White Russia” (which presumably signified the part of Rus' that was free from paying tribute to the Tatars) were turned into “nationalities,” while their dialects of the Russian language were turned into “national languages,” with an attempt to introduce as many non-Russian words as possible into them.  Moreover, extensive territories that were never regarded in Russia as “Ukraine” (Novorossiya and Donbass) were attached by Lenin and Stalin to the Ukrainian SSR (and in 1954 Khrushchev gifted Crimea as well – in honor of the 300th anniversary of the reunification of Malorossiya-”Ukraine” with Russia).  Immediately there began a widespread forced Ukrainization.  All of this was conducted by the illegitimate (revolutionary) anti-Russian authorities and against the will of the people.

(This map has the following inscriptions: “Gifts from the Russian Tsars,” “Lenin's gift,” “Stalin's gifts,” “Khrushchev's gift.”  The Russian Tsars naturally never gave any “gifts to Ukraine,” which did not exist at that time; they united these historical Russian lands with Russia.  It was the Communist leaders who gifted them to the Ukrainian SSR despite the will of the indigenous population.) 

Formerly there did not exist any Ukrainian people separate from the Russian people, or any state of “Ukraine” – this is unscientific Russophobe mythology, based on an inferiority complex and vanity.  It was partially concocted even before the revolution by the separatist revolutionary intelligentsia, which was encouraged by Russia's geopolitical enemies, including in the diaspora.  The Communist authorities gave an additional boost to this Russophobia by means of their repressions: the forced famine and collectivization and the godless 5-year plan, and although this took place over the entire territory of the USSR in the form of a grandiose Russian holocaust that carried off tens of millions of lives, the Ukrainian nationalists began to falsely treat it as a “genocide of Ukrainians by the Russkies.”  During the years of the Cold War (when the U.S. entered into a confrontation with the USSR for the first time) this mythological Russophobia attained its greatest extent.  After the fall of the USSR, it became established as state policy in the “independent Ukraine,” since in 1991 the successors of the Communist Party illegitimately “legitimized” Ukrainian “independence” within the illegitimate Leninist-Stalinist-Khrushchev borders of the USSR.

However, if during the years of the Cold War the U.S. finally acknowledged the Communist regime it had itself established as being the “Evil Empire,” then how can its borders, which were established during the years of the Russian holocaust and the fight against the resistance of one's own enslaved people, be considered to be legitimate and just?...

In the 21st century the forced Ukrainization of the Russian population on the territory of the former Ukrainian SSR, which had become “independent,” has taken on an increasingly repressive nature, to include the banning of Russian schools, the use of the Russian language in society, and the destruction of the entire Russian historical heritage (monuments, historical place names, etc.).  The U.S. and the NATO vassal countries not only closed their eyes to this, but have been encouraging it, despite the fact that this was a gross violation of international conventions on the rights of national minorities (although naturally Russians cannot even be considered to be a minority there).  An especially brazen infraction of these conventions began after the coup-d'etat organized by the Americans in February 2014.  I will once again remind you of all that has been said about this earlier, but which to-date remains without due attention paid to it, even in the rhetoric of the Russian authorities, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Who violated the international law

The following acting documents of international law: the UN Code (1945), the European Convention on Human Rights (1953), the Convention of the Council of Europe on the Protection of National Minorities (1995), and many others demand the observance of the rights of national minorities and grant them the legitimate right to self-determination in the event of violation of these rights.

The Declaration on the Principles of International Law (1970) asserts that the right to self-determination may be realized by the following methods: “Creation of a sovereign and independent state, voluntary affiliation with an independent state or union with it, or the establishment of any other political status.”

The principle of self-determination is sometimes countered with the principle of the territorial integrity of the state; however, it is aimed exclusively at protecting the state from external aggression.  Moreover, according to the Declaration on the Principles of International Law, the principle of territorial integrity is operable in regard to “sovereign and independent states, whose actions comply with the principle of the equality and self-determination of peoples.”

Thus, the principle of territorial integrity is not applicable to a state which does not observe the equality of the peoples living therein, suppresses their culture, and does not allow their self-determination – that is, to current Ukraine, where in the 21st century thousands of Russian notable figures were killed, all Russian schools and mass media were closed down, the official use of the Russian language was forbidden (on the following day after the coup-d'etat), and the Russian people were not included in the list of indigenous peoples.  Moreover, all of these methods were applied by the illegitimate junta to the Russian population, which had been forcibly and illegitimately included in the Ukrainian USSR by the Bolsheviks.

Naturally, the Russian provinces of Ukraine revolted against the anti-Russian coup-d'etat.  Initially (on March 4), President Putin came out with a promise to send in troops for their defense, if the new illegitimate authorities in Kiev were to threaten them with war.  Though acknowledging at that time the Crimean referendum (on 3.16.2014), in order to retain the strategically important military base there, Putin, however, censured the 5.11.2014 referendums in Donbass (in the Lugansk and Donetsk provinces, which had declared themselves to be sovereign republics) as being “untimely,” not wishing to come into conflict with the West over them.

Already in April 2014 the Kiev authorities declared an “antiterrorist operation” (ATO) against Donbass and established a water and energy blockade of Crimea and Donbass.  Initially Putin allowed only volunteers and so-called “servicemen on leave” (small military detachments) from the RF to take part in defending the DNR/LNR, although the Ukrainian Army was very weak at that time and psychologically unready for a war against its own people,  and it would have been easy for the Russian Army to drive it out of all Russian-speaking provinces of Ukraine without great losses on both sides.  However, fearing a war with NATO, Putin did not send in an army there (despite his promise on March 4), acknowledged the Kiev authorities headed by the elected President Poroshenko to be legitimate (this was his great mistake!), and actually betrayed the uprising of the Russian population of the entire east of Ukraine, disguising it with the knowingly unworkable Minsk Agreements (9.5.2014) on the peaceful return of Donbass as an autonomy under the authority of Kiev.

The Western countries supported these agreements.  Their first item was the cessation of military actions, i.e. the “antiterrorist operation,” but Kiev refused to fulfill this and, consequently, so did Donbass.  The subsequent 8 years of VSU [Ukrainian Armed Forces] attacks and  shelling and bombing of Donbass cities (even with cassette and phosphorus munitions that are banned in the modern world) greatly destroyed the social infrastructure of Donbass and took the lives of many thousands of people (according to the UN Human Rights Department, as of 31 December 2021, the victims of the conflict in Ukraine numbered from 14,200 to 14,400 people).

“Alley of Angels” – a  memorial in Donetsk to the children killed by Ukrainian bombings since 2014.

Thus, it was specifically the Kiev junta which began this war in 2014, committing a multitude of war crimes.  And throughout all these years, “Putin's aggressive RF” delivered oil and gas to Ukraine (gratis for half-a-year, and afterwards wrote off a contractual debt in the amount of 60 billion dollars), as well as engines and spare parts for military hardware, issued monetary credits, and even handed over political refugees and paramilitaries to Ukrainian prisons!

For purposes of comparison it may be remembered how, in order to justify NATO's aggression against Serbia in 1999, the Western countries accused Miloshevich of far lesser “crimes” against the Albanians in Kosovo (the “Rachak” provocation), thus creating a false pretext for bombing Serbia and for separating Kosovo without any referendum.   But neither the bloody Kiev coup-d'etat with the snipers' provocational firing against both sides, nor the mass murder of people in Odessa (on 5.2.2014), nor the punitive “antiterrorist operation” aroused any indignation on the part of the “civilized” West or became a pretext for restoring legitimacy.  On the contrary: Western politicians and mass media have been calling Ukraine a “freedom-loving democratic country,” “which adheres to the values of our civilized European community”  Therefore, the Kiev murderers/regime changers received massive military and political support, while the entire world disinformation machine began to accuse Russia of “aggression.”

In Western countries there are also separatist movements for less justified, purely economic reasons; however, can one image a bloody “ATO” against referendums on the independence of Quebec, Flanders, Scotland, Catalonia, South Tirol, or Corsica?

All of the above is from the point of view of the Russian people, who have remained one of the largest forcibly divided people in the world, subjected to discrimination in “independent states” with Russian lands added on to them by the Bolsheviks, and who are, therefore, striving towards reunification.  Consequently, our people approve of the military actions that have been initiated by the Russian Army for the defense of Donbass, irrespective of the people's critical attitude towards Putin's domestic policy.  But Putin has another predominant reason for sending Russian troops into the Novorossiyan provinces of Ukraine: the threat to his power on the part of NATO in the course of its expansion in Ukraine towards the borders of the RF.

In 1922 the heads of Germany and France candidly admitted the fact that on their part the purpose of the Minsk Agreements was to win time for arming the Ukrainian Army.  That is, they were lying all the time about their peaceability. Evidence was also found of preparations for a Ukrainian attack on Donbass in the spring of 2022.  And in February 2022 it became evident that the Ukrainian troops were embarking upon the realization of their aim, which Kiev repeatedly announced: an attack on the pro-Russian territories that had broken away.  Putin overcame his fear of a conflict with “our Western partners” and preempted the Ukrainian attack by several days with his “totally unprovoked and brazen aggression, which has grossly violated international law”...


The Budapest Memorandum, article 5

Incidentally, in regard to the issue of international law, it should be remembered that the “cardinal” acknowledgment of Ukrainian independence within the boundaries of the Ukrainian SSR – the Budapest “Memorandum,” signed on December 5, 1994 by the leaders of Ukraine, the RF, Great Britain, and the U.S., – contains a directive on their right, for purposes of self-defense, to undertake military actions against “independent” Ukraine in the event of its violation, or that of its allies, of the terms of the Memorandum.

I cite item 5: “The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America confirm their obligation in regard to Ukraine not to use nuclear weapons against any member state of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons that does not possess nuclear weapons, except in the event of an attack upon them, their territory, or dependent territories, or on their armed forces or those of their allies by such a state, acting jointly with a state that possesses nuclear weapons or is affiliated with it by an association agreement.”

It was precisely with such an attack that the Kiev junta began its punitive actions against the Russian provinces that had legitimately separated themselves (according to international law) – “an attack on them, their territories, or territories dependent [on the RF], or on their armed forces, or those of their allies by such a state, acting with a state that possesses nuclear weapons”, – that is, directly encouraged in this by the nuclear NATO countries.  This is an inarguable basis for the RF's defensive actions (moreover, without the use of nuclear weapons) against Ukraine's aggression, prepared with the aid of NATO, against Donbass and the RF.


President Poroshenko's speech against the background of the emblem of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine's Ministry of DefenseAbove him is the slogan: “Ukraine Above All!”

The West is also covering up all of the VSU's military crimes that are being committed under the openly Nazist slogan of “Ukraine Above All,” which is even reflected in its official symbols.  The VSU continuously inundate the cities of Donetsk with petal mines and shell them with artillery and missiles, passing it off as firing by the Russian Army (and sometimes shell their own cities as well, accusing Russia of this; such was the strike with the “Tochka-U” missile on April 8, 2022 upon the train station in Kramatorsk, leaving 50 persons dead).  They set up their artillery in residential quarters, using their own citizens as a living shield, and they kill those who attempt to flee from occupied cities.  They utilize retreat-blocking units and kill their own soldiers who try to retreat or surrender.  They have included punitive battalions of Nazi militants with corresponding symbols within the regular army.  They have given out weapons to convicted criminals who were released from jails in order to terrorize the population, ascribing victims to the “Russkies”... They destroy urban infrastructure upon their retreat, passing it off as destruction by the Russian Army... The junta has declared that it will not observe the Geneva Convention on Military Prisoners.  The head of the “Mobile Hospital” project, Gennadiy Druzenko, has called upon Ukrainian doctors to castrate and kill Russian prisoners, “because they are cockroaches and not people.”  The VSU do this quite readily (uploading video recordings on the Internet), all the while accusing the Russian Army of such, and also of supposedly raping Ukrainian women and children...

At the same time, the leaders of the U.S. and NATO assert that the RF is preparing to attack Europe as well, and is a threat to the entire world on a par with the terrorist ISIS.  Truthful information, on the other hand, is being suppressed as “Putin's propaganda” – and all of this leaves a mark upon billions of people.  Such intense Russophobia, with an obvious overtone of the “Father of lies,” was not seen even in the Cold War years: at that time, at least, the West had a valid reason for defending itself from the Communization of the entire world, which the program of the Soviet Communist Party did not even conceal.  Currently the “Father of lies,” on the basis of totally false grounds, is preparing Russia for the role of a world villain, who is to be destroyed in the Armageddon (https://rusidea.org/250968834).


Putin greets Ukrainian President Poroshenko, “elected” 2014 after the coup-d'etat in the “elections without a choice,” which are acknowledged by the West as “legitimate.”

Reasons for the “non-serious non-war” by the RF

Nevertheless, even in the course of the large-scale war begun in February of 2022, which was provoked by the U.S., RF leaders still do not make use of the above-cited legal arguments to counter Western disinformation.  And in general, Putin is conducting the war demonstratively “non-seriously,” but as a "Special military operation" (SVO), which the mass media is forbidden to call a war: “To a great extent we have not even begun to do anything seriously,” – President Putin declared on 7.7.2022, after five months of battle, with the loss of tens of thousands of people on both sides, and the shameful ceding of already liberated provinces after the signing of a peace treaty in Istanbul that was straightway violated by Kiev, which organized the provocation with the corpses in Bucha that is to this day being hyped up by the West.

There are several reasons for this.

The first reason is the Oligarchy's comprador ideology, which makes it dependent on the “Western partners” (i.e. on the import of modern Western technology in exchange for the export of natural resources).  Therefore, the crafty format of the “special operation” was determined by the RF Supreme Commander-in-Chief, as were all the demoralizing “peace talks,” “goodwill gestures,” retreat from liberated territories (where the remaining residents are being killed en masse for “collaboration”), unequal exchange of prisoners, and a drawn-out refusal to bring in replenishments for the fighting troops...  Apparently the Commander-in-Chief is not losing naive hope in reconciliation with the West – such is the egoistic essence of the comprador/oligarchic regime.

The second reason is because the RF leaders have declared themselves to be the legitimate successors of the USSR (the “Evil Empire” in the famous U.S. rendition), refusing to reconsider its borders, which have split up the Russian people.

Putin obstinately does not wish to give an honest official appraisal of the red traitors in the First World War, who strove to “turn it into a civil war,” and to the destroyers of historical Russia and creators of the godless USSR in its place, to rid the country of their monuments and statues, and to separate the people's defense of their native land in the “Second Patriotic War” from the defense of the anti-national regime and the “humanitarian” Communist enslavement of Eastern Europe.  But it is impossible to build anything reliable on a lie, considering, moreover, that the historical Russian Army achieved its victories with prayer for God's aid in defending a God-pleasing nation.

At the same time, the Russian people have not only remained the most divided people in the world, subjected to discrimination in the former national republics of the USSR, but continue to be subjected to discrimination even within the RF, where under the continuing course of Soviet internationalist policy they are being deprived of a state-constituting status (both in the RF Constitution and in practice).  The Constitution forbids both the concept of a state religion (Orthodoxy) and of a state ideology based upon it.  In its Constitution the Russian Federation is declared to be a multi-national state; moreover, the formerly existing indication of nationality (in the Russian language this concept means ethnic origin and not citizenship) has been eliminated from RF passports.  In censuses it has been forbidden to indicate religious affiliation.  The situation is being aggravated by an avalanche of migrant workers from foreign cultures, who are being granted an entire array of social services and are receiving Russian citizenship en masse, just as it began in Europe with the artificially implanted ideology of multiculturalism.  In many places, with the connivance of corrupt officials and law-enforcement organs, migrant mafia enclaves are being created, which are terrorizing the local population.

In the pre-revolutionary Russian Empire, the Russian people had a state-constituting status, thus bearing the main burden of state obligations and service.  In the USSR and its successor, the RF, the Russian people likewise bear the burden of the majority of state obligations, but are being forcibly equated with a national minority, though in many national republics this status is clearly privileged, while Russians are being discriminated against.

Consequently, the spontaneous Russian resistance in the eastern provinces of Ukraine, which began with the restoration of a historical Russian national ideology, was suffocated by the Kremlin and replaced with its Soviet ideology and the belaboring of the victory in the Second Patriotic War. There is no need to say that this feeds the existing Russophobia both in Ukraine, and in the former “brothers from the Socialist camp,” and in Europe.

In the Russian emigration, however, it was always customary to separate the historical rights of the forcibly divided people from transitory anti-national rulers.  Moreover, the Russians who are being subjected to national genocide in the anti-Russian Ukrainian state are in need of defense by the entire Russian people.  It would be un-Сhristian to leave them without protection.

The war in Ukraine is a world war by the builders of the New World Order, headed by its masters in the U.S., who by means of Ukraine and without any pity for its people are leading it against Russia as their main potential obstacle.  If the RF wins, hope will remain for recovery and a regime change in Russia in the future.  If it is defeated by the creators of the New World Order – we will no longer have such a possibility...


What have we come to and how will it end?

Naturally, for making precise judgments of what is taking place in the world, of the authorities' acceptance or non-acceptance of clearly requisite decisions, and of what is possible and impossible – information is needed that is not found in the mass media and is known only to the “center of decision-making.”  Nevertheless, almost a year-and-a-half of the special “non-serious non-war,” in which hundreds of thousands of Russian people on both sides of the front have already died, and no analog of which is seen in the military history of great powers, allow an experienced observer, who has extensively studied the characteristics of the fighting sides, to be able to determine the framework of truth and the causes of it – without conjectures or excursions into conspiracy horror stories, but also without blind trust in official propaganda, which has long compromised itself by lying.

What amazes in this regard is the cynical level of Western politicians, who close their eyes to the essence of “European Ukraine,” and who insist that “international law allows Ukrainians to deliver strikes against the territory of Russia,” – as was asserted both by Congressmen, and the head of European “diplomacy” Borel (is this the face of European diplomacy?), and the chairman of the Bundestag Committee for Defense, Marie-Agnes Shtraсk-Zimmerman.  Similar statements in an even more aggressive form were also heard from such illiterate and foolish “cooks entrusted with the governance of a state” (Lenin's prophecy about Communism) as Liz Truss and Annalena Baerbock.  Although this is a qualification of not only female politicians: in 2016 the Foreign Affairs Minister of Belgium, Didier Reynders, said in a conversation with the well-known journalist J. Bredael that he was previously unaware that the “very name of Russia stemmed from the area surrounding Kiev, which was the cradle of Russia as a nation.” (Europe-Russie ‒ Entretien avec Jacques Bredael. Les éditions du CEP. 2016. p. 22.)

Thus it is quite clear that this war was begun by the U.S., which embroiled its NATO vassals in it and does not hide its direct participation and its goals: the defeat of Russia.  It is impossible likewise not to see that the defensive SVO was delayed (a minimum of at least 8 years) and, despite this, turned out to be poorly prepared and, moreover, is being conducted “solely with the left hand,” without any desire to achieve victory and to attain the goal declared in the forced initiation of this blithe so-called SVO: «We will strive towards the demilitarization and the denazification of Ukraine.  And also to bringing to trial those who committed numerous bloody crimes against peaceful residents, including citizens of the Russian Federation”...

At the same time, the Ukro-American authorities in Kiev are conducting military actions with growing military support from the NATO countries and with total disregard for their “cannon fodder.” The number of losses in the course of wars are always kept secret; however, foreign experts estimate the ratio of Ukrainian losses to Russian ones as 10:1.  But Kiev is already mobilizing those who are not fit for military service, while the mobilization of reserves in the RF has not even been announced (although experts have written repeatedly that the strengthening of the army at the front would allow for the encirclement of fortified areas instead of frontal assaults, and this would on the whole reduce losses on both sides), preparations for mobilization are being denied by the RF authorities, only contract volunteers are being recruited, and a non-military atmosphere is deliberately being maintained in society.  Television continues to shows its usual entertaining programs, and the economy has not been switched to military rails (as was done in the U.S., for example, during the years of the Second World War).  Despite sanctions and the confiscation of the RF's gold currency reserves that were being kept in the West, the NATO countries continue to be supplied with Russian energy resources, metals, everything that can be sold – and primarily to the U.S., – and even uranium.

At the present time, the RF Armed Forces do not have the mobilized forces needed to attain the goal of the SVO that was announced by the RF President on 24 February 2022.  Available forces can probably be used solely for defending positions fortified in advance, but hardly for a serious offensive, which would provide the only possibility for attaining the declared goal of the SVO.

And in the hybrid world war with the U.S. and its covert world rulers, who are building the New World Order, the RF has no comparable weapons, especially informational/psychological and modern technologies.  There is likewise no decisive will on the part of the authorities, since in the Westernized worldview of the rulers of the RF Oligarchy, the Western post-Christian system is the desired ideal, and many high-ranking officials and deputies/lawmakers have their own property and bank accounts there, and their family members live there.

The West's economic sanctions against Russia have inflicted a great loss upon Europe, since the RF has re-oriented its usual comprador trade to the East.  But with the threat of U.S. sanctions to the RF's Eastern “partners” as well, the Russian economy may not last out, – which can already be seen by the rate of the ruble and the growing prices...

RF diplomacy continuously demonstrates readiness for peace talks, but the U.S. has not been allowing Kiev to take part in such and, accordingly, Zelenskiy has issued a law forbidding peace talks with the RF.  However, peace talks coupled with a retreat from occupied cities only led to the destruction by killing squads of all who were suspected of “collaboration” there... The same will occur in future such events as well.

In summing up these reasons, the political result to-date becomes obvious: with his consistent inconsistency – in the hope of restoring the import-dependent Oligarchy's former trade and economic (comprador) relations with the West – the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and Manager of the RF has devalued all his declared intimidating “red lines” by not implementing his threats, even when Western leaders have openly and repeatedly stated that they are conducting the war for the purpose of destroying the RF... Even the transport infrastructure for supplying the Ukrainian Army (bridges, tunnels, and railway hubs) has not been destroyed.

The foreign mass media have even printed Putin's covert promise not to physically eliminate Zelenskiy, the military criminal who will never be able to wash off the blood of all the victims of this war... (The former Prime Minister of Israel tells about Putin's promise not to kill Zelensky.)

If in the beginning of the SVO, with strikes against border hubs of delivery of Western arms and against the “centers of decision-making,” it was still possible to sober up “our Western partners” by a practical confirmation of “red lines” and to slow down the escalation on their part (at least of some of them), now the Kremlin has allowed a situation wherein NATO is openly conducting a war against the RF and is saying that nothing will stop it: “The war can end only with the capitulation of Putin and his aggressive Russia,” frankly assert Western politicians.  This is likewise confirmed by a demonizing of historical Russia and ethnic Russians on a scale that was unheard of even during the Cold War.

Having prepared and provoked this war, NATO did not even think of “unseriously” cooking the frog on its slowly increasing fire, allowing it to jump out of the pan.  Thus Putin has brought his “non-serious non-war” to the point of the “frog” having to make a most difficult choice with unpredictable consequences: due to the exhaustion of the effectiveness of conventional weapons and the refusal to conduct a mobilization (the authorities fear the population's protests), to either use tactical weapons of mass destruction against the Ukrainian Army and the entire transshipping logistics of deliveries from abroad, as well as conduct strikes against the “centers of decision-making,” or to capitulate (thus ensuring the possibility of not being personally cooked).

I imagine that the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the RF will not take a chance upon the first variant, which is fraught with the likelihood of NATO's reciprocal massive strike against the defense/strategic infrastructure and “centers of decision-making” in the liberated provinces of Novorossiya and even in the border regions of the RF, (and it is unlikely that the Russian air defense systems, which did not even prevent the Kremlin  from being attacked by unmanned vehicles, will cope with it successfully).  While as regards the second variant, the Commander-in-Chief may strive towards an acceptable peace agreement that would allow him to disguise his political capitulation by an assertion about the “attainment of the main goal of the SVO.” However, this will not be the end of the war for the United States (and, therefore, for Ukraine)...

M.V. Nazarov
July/August 2023

Russian original text: https://rusidea.org/250971107
Translation of the article into German: An meine ausländischen Freunde über das Wesen des Krieges in der Ukraine.
Translation of the article into French: A mes amis étrangers sur l’essence de la guerre en Ukraine.

Постоянный адрес страницы: https://rusidea.org/250971131

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  • Иван 25.03.2025 в 14:55 на О покаянии"Иван, если я правильно понял, пишет о личном смирении перед Богом, которое открывает видение своих грехов и ничтожество человека. В таком состоянии
  • ИN(Игорь Nиколаевич) 25.03.2025 в 12:13 на О покаянииМП после братания с Римом в Гаване стало откровенно подражать униатству, когда иереев запрещали в служении, только если они переставали поминать Патриарха.
  • Акакий А 25.03.2025 в 12:03 на Как "Израиль" убил КеннедиНе в 1960х не в наши дни МОССАД (Израил в целом) не был в состоянии провести столь громкое убийство в США и
  • Роман 25.03.2025 в 11:57 на О покаянииМихаил Викторович, боюсь вы не поняли Ивана. По каким-то причинам вы смотрите узко на смирение, только в аспекте политико-богословских аспектов, если так
  • МВН 25.03.2025 в 11:10 на О покаянииНе стану продолжать спор. Но замечу, что то "смирение" перед злом, о котором я вам напоминаю - это основа советского "богословия", ранее

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